Introduction to German
GRM 101
Course Description
This course is a beginners’ course for German as a foreign language, level A1.1. This introductory course will include conversation and daily communication, written language, listening, reading, and cultural values and important regional background information.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases.
- Introduce himself/herself and others and be able to ask and answer questions about personal information.
- Interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly, clearly and is willing to help.
- Cost: $ 1,200.00
Introduction to Latin
LAT 100
Course Description
Latin, the language of the Romans, has exerted a profound influence in the development of the English language. The Latin language has had such an impact on the English language that scholars have estimated that more than two-thirds of the English words are directly connected in their origin to Latin. This course will provide students with a foundational knowledge of the Latin language that will include pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and the ability to read original ancient Latin texts. The body of knowledge of the Latin language gathered in this course will expand the students understanding of the English language, and the depth and richness of the presence of Latin language in everyday communication and all branches of academic learning.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Develop a working knowledge of the Latin language.
- Apply the foundational knowledge of the Latin language in reading ancient Latin texts.
- Develop a personal appreciation for the influence of Latin in the formation of the English language.
- Integrate the knowledge of Latin for a better understanding of romance languages such as Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian and French, and for a better understanding of the American culture.
- Cost: $ 1,200.00

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Introduction to Spanish
SPA 100
Course Description
Effective communication in the current world requires language skills that include the mastery of a foreign language in addition of one’s mother tongue. This course will provide the student with the foundation necessary for communicating with clarity and confidence with a native speaker of the Spanish language.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply the knowledge and skills of Spanish to everyday communication that requires the use of the language.
- Utilize the knowledge of the Spanish language in reading and writing in the vernacular with clarity and confidence.
- Apply the understanding of Spanish language in personal relationships with native speakers.
- Cost: $ 1,200.00

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American English I
ESL 101
- Cost: $ 1,200.00

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