Business & Accounting
Christian Faith & Money Management
BUS 100
Course Description
Money exerts a tremendous power and influence over people’s lives and the way they conduct their personal daily affairs. The Christian Faith which is founded on the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Bible views money differently than society and culture which have other foundational values and belief systems which are not compatible with the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Bible. According to the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Bible, everything we are and own belongs to God. Therefore, we have the responsibility to manage God’s possessions in harmony with God’s nature and God’s mission in the world.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply the knowledge and skills in the course to be a responsible manager of God’s possessions in daily life.
- Utilize knowledge of money and its power to make it a fruitful servant in the life of the student.
- Integrate the course material in a lifestyle that honors God in all areas of personal and professional life.
- Apply the understanding of money in the Christian perspective to be a witness in a materialistic and money driven culture.
- Cost: $ 1,200.00
Managerial Leadership
BUS 200
Course Description
Managerial Leadership is crucial for the healthy functioning, growth and success of a business enterprise. This course will provide the student the knowledge and skills needed to become an effective managerial leader. The student will be able to give effective managerial leadership to an organization which will produce a corporate culture of collaboration and trust to bring fulfillment to its vision and mission.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply the knowledge of managerial leadership concepts and practice in the management of a business enterprise.
- Utilize management principles in the daily routine of running a business.
- Integrate business management principles with the tasks of leadership in a business enterprise.
- Apply the knowledge of concepts and practice of the field of management and leadership in making effective operational and administrative decisions.
- Cost: $ 1,200.00

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Introduction to Accounting I
ACT 100
- Cost: $ 1,200.00

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Intermediate Accounting I
ACT 200
- Cost: $ 1,200.00
Customer Relations
BUS 210
Course Description
This course will help students understand the role communication plays when building relationships with customers as well as learning to successfully communicate in a variety of job situations that students will face in the workforce.
- Cost: $ 1,200.00

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