Biological Sciences

Senior Care Technician

GER 150

Course Description

This course will provide the student with the skills needed for working and helping seniors remain in their homes and to enable them to experience independent living in their most familiar environment. The student will be introduced to the field of gerontology for becoming informed of the process of biological, emotional and sociological changes brought by the aging process. The course will train the student in the field of communications for the development of healthy communication skills needed in the work of senior home care. The student will be receiving technical training in how to work with seniors in ways that are proven safe, healthy and effective in fulfilling the purpose of making possible for seniors to live productive, creative and meaningful lives as they remain in their own homes.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Apply the knowledge and skills learned in the Senior Care Technician course in the work of caring and helping seniors in their own home environment.
  • Utilize the knowledge of Senior Care Technician course to relate and communicate well with seniors.
  • Integrate the technical skills learned in the Senior Care Technician course with the routine work of helping seniors and establishing a safe and healthy environment for them while they enjoy freedom and independent living in their own home.
  • Cost: $ 1,200.00

3 + 12 =